“License checkout failed! Caught com.reprisesoftware.rlm.RlmException: System clock has been set back (-40)” OpenSplice and its toolsuses RLM for its licensing. RLM detects windback by looking for future-dated files (access and modified times) in system directories. In many cases just running the system for a little while with the correct date will access the future-dated files […]
OpenSplice Licensing FAQ
How to license OpenSplice products
RLM Error initializing license system (-130)
When using the Windows 64 bit Visual Studio 2015 OpenSplice build a RLM Error initializing license system(-130) error is seen. There is a known issue with OpenSplice V6.8.2 running on Windows 64 bit Visual Studio 2015 (the platform P738 build). When you try to start anything that requires a license checkout, for example the OpenSplice […]
I get the error “HostID of this machine: Invalid”
Occasionally you may see the error “HostID of this machine: Invalid” when running the command rlmutil rlmhostid -ether $ rlmutil rlmhostid ether rlmutil v9.1 Copyright (C) 2006-2011, Reprise Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Hostid of this machine: invalid “` How to resolve the error “HostID of this machine: Invalid” In order to obtain a permanent […]
What is the difference between a development and a deployment license?
Product: OpenSplice Version: All Description: What is the difference between a development and a deployment license? Solution: Development licenses are provided on a Single Named Developer basis. Each developer using the product will require a license. These are usually tied to the machine being used. A deployment license is provided when the […]
How do I license OpenSplice?
The licensing software is automatically installed on the host machine when OpenSplice is installed. The licensing software comes in two parts> The binary files which are normally found in the bin directory of the installation The license file which controls which products and features are licensed. This is supplied separately by ZettaScale To license the […]
Error when launching RLM server: CreateProcess failed on command line
Problem: When launching the RLM server an error is shown and the server cannot be launched. Error: CreateProcess failed on command line: “C:DDSrlmprismtech.set” -s 1760 -p “C:DDSrlm” (null) (null) (null) (null) (null) (null) This generally means that the ISV server binary (prismtech.exe) is not in the place you expect it to be: Solution: This error […]
How can I tell if RLM is using the correct license key?
If any of your applications or services return a license error saying that the service is not licensed how can you tell if it is or is not finding a license key file? There is a diagnostic tool that you can run on your machine to check node locked licenses. All you need to do […]
How do I get a permanent license key
I have been using an evaluation license key with my product. The evaluation license key has run out and now I want to get my permanent license key. I need to know how to get a permanent license key. How to get a permanent license key In order to get a permanent or subscription license […]
How to use an OpenSplice floating license
This article explains how to use a floating license to license the OpenSplice middleware. Before you can use the OpenSplice middleware you will need a permanent license key. What is a OpenSplice floating license? Normally a license key is tied to a single machine. A floating or roaming license key allows multiple users to share […]
How can I transfer my OpenSplice development license to another machine?
How can I transfer my OpenSplice development license to another machine? I recently got a new machine and need to migrate my development license to it. The development license is tied to the hostid of my old machine. Is it possible to do this? How to transfer your OpenSplice Development license It is possible to […]