When using the Windows 64 bit Visual Studio 2015 OpenSplice build a RLM Error initializing license system(-130) error is seen.
There is a known issue with OpenSplice V6.8.2 running on Windows 64 bit Visual Studio 2015 (the platform P738 build). When you try to start anything that requires a license checkout, for example the OpenSplice Networking Service, RLM will print an error in the ospl-error.log file similar to this:
From the ospl-error.log file
Report : ERROR
Date : Wed Dec 13 15:35:11 Eastern Standard Time 2017
Description : Failed to checkout license feature ‘OPENSPLICE_NETWORKING’
Error initializing license system(-130) ‘C:\Program Files\ZettaScale\OpenSplice\7.0.0\HDE\x86_64.win64\etc’
Node : Test
Process : RTS.exe <16568>
Thread : networking 16868
Internals : 6.8.2/a8a53a384f/7f98fc86c5/Licensing/ospl_license.c/189/0/1513197311.985495100/-1
Report : FATAL
Date : Wed Dec 13 15:35:11 Eastern Standard Time 2017
Description : Cannot acquire license for feature OPENSPLICE_NETWORKING. This service is not licensed & will exit.
Node : Test
Process : RTS.exe <16568>
Thread : networking 16868
Internals : 6.8.2/a8a53a384f/7f98fc86c5/service ospl_networking/networking.c/310/0/1513197311.985495100/-1
This is due to a licensing problem with RLM on that particular build system on that particular version of OpenSplice.
Subsequent versions of OpenSplice do not contain that issue. For example, OpenSplice V6.8.3 does not have that problem.
Also, other platform builds of OpenSplice do not contain that issue. It seems to be isolated to the Windows 64 bit Visual Studio 2015 build. However, if you are running on a different platform or running a different version of OpenSplice and come across that same error code, please contact techsupport@zettascale.tech to let us know, so that it can be investigated and resolved.