More information about the OpenSplice Record and Replay Manager can be found in the Record and Replay Manager Overview.
Version 6.10.4
Report ID. | Description |
RNR-746 | RnRManager import storage exception. If two topics have the same field name with different case, importing will fail with an exception. Solution: Bug fixed. Import and export can handle the same field name with different case, provided that the field type is the same. |
Version 6.10.3
Report ID. | Description |
RNR-737 | Storage import crashes when attempting to import with more than 20 unique topics. When importing a storage that contains more than 20 unique topics, RnR Manager becomes unstable, and shuts down. Solution: Bug fixed. The storage controller initial cache size has been increased. The storage import caching was problematic. |
Version 6.8.0
Report ID. | Description |
RNR-707 | Storage import/export doesn't work with VortexOpenSplice for VS2015 install. When the user attempts to use the Import Storage or Export Storage actions in RnRManager, while using VortexOpenSplice for VS2015 as the chosen installation in the OSPL_HOME preference, the operation fails with the message "Could not find dependent Vortex OpenSplice libraries. Check that OSPL is installed with the environment variables set or the OSPL libraries on the PATH." Solution: The import/export native library has been amended to correct the issue with loading the OpenSplice for VS2015 libraries. |
Version 6.6.3
Report ID. | Description |
RNR-619 | Storage Status view should display more information regarding storage properties. Currently, the Storage view displays: Key, State and File Name. Solution: Two new columns were added to the Storage view: Type and Max File Size (B). |
RNR-667 | Configuration of initial Eclipse workspace. The only place where RnR Manager's workspace is initialized is in its install directory. Additionally it is only possible to invoke the startRnRManager script from its own directory as it relies on a relative path to the rnrManager binary. As a result, for the case where RnR Manager is installed as superuser in a write protected directory, but ran by regular users, then operation of the tool in this fashion is not possible. Solution: The startRnRManager scripts were enhanced to be able to call them from any working directory and accept arguments to pass to the rnrManager application. As a result, one can use the "-data" argument to specify a workspace location on RnR Manager start. eg. -data /home/ubuntu/rnrworkspace Note: The path passed to the -data argument must be an absolute path. For more details, check section 4.1.1 of the RnR Manager User Guide. |
RNR-675 | Partition/Topic filters are incomplete. Since the original implementation of the built in topic and partition filter preferences, the number of built in topics have increased. Topics like new CM topics, network bridge topics, and RT networking topics are not caught by the built in topic filters. Solution: The built in topic filters have been updated to filter out topics beginning with DCPS, CM, q_, nb_, ospl_rtn. Additionally the built in partition filter has been updated to filter out the node specific built in partition, used by the DDSI service. Lastly, the Topics view is now also subjected to all the Topic filters. For more details, check section 4.1.3 of theRnR Manager User Guide. |
RNR-642 | Update tool's storage configuration maxFileSize parameter to use new symbols. New data size symbols were introduced into the configuration processing for the RnR service in Vortex OpenSplice V6.6.2 (OSPL-7346). Solution: b, B (bytes), KiB, kB, K, k (=1024 bytes), MiB, MB, M, m (=1024KiB), GiB, GB, G, g (=1024MiB), TiB, TB, T, t (=1024GiB) are now all supported |
Version 6.6.2
Report ID. | Description |
RNR-645 | Application crash on start on Windows 10. RnR Manager would crash on startup when installed on Windows 10. The eclipse log file shows !MESSAGE Missing host Bundle-NativeCode_0.0.0. Solution: The RnR Manager plugin manifests that specify a native code bundle have been updated to search for osname "Windows 10" as well. |
RNR-647 | Update Installers to account for new start menu topology As of Windows 10, start menu entries can only contain one nested level. As a result, all PrismTech start menu items would show up under the same "PrismTech" start menu folder entry. Solution: The Windows start menu shortcuts for Vortex OpenSplice RnR Manager have been reorganized for all Windows versions. The top level shortcut folder is now "VortexRnRManager V6.6.2" with all sub-items for Vortex OpenSplice RnR Manager located underneath it. Note that the actual installation paths in the file system remain unchanged. |
RNR-660 | Storage Export - error or userdata loss in cases involving nested collection types. On storage export, if a given sample's data type includes a field that is an asymmetrical nested collection type (like long arr2D[2][3]; ), the export will either failexplicitly and abort, or it will succeed but with some elements of the collection missing. Solution: The algorithm used to determine the size of a collection while serializing a sample to a storage file has been fixed to account for asymmetrical collections. |
RNR-661 | Saving a scenario to an xml file throws exception in Linux. Save fails. On Linux platforms the scenario save action does not succeed in saving a record and replay scenario to file. The workspace log reveals that the following exception occurs java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URI is not absolute .Solution: RnR Manager's scenario file XML serializer has been fixed so as not to pass on malformed URIs |
Version 6.6.0
Report ID. | Description |
RNR-614 | Starting a record scenario from the Topics view sometimes fails. Due to a bug in the RnR service, sometimes scenario commands would be rejected, or fail to be processed. This would most often manifest when using the Record Topic(s) wizard in RnR Manager. Solution: The bug in the service has been fixed. The behaviour for using the Record Topic(s) wizard is as expected now. |
RNR-576 | The Vortex OpenSplice RnR Manager installer would fail on unattended mode. When executing the installer in unattended mode, it would fail if the --license_key parameter was not provided, due to it being a required field.Solution: The installer has been changed have the specification of the license file be optional. Note: If the license was not specified in the installer, or if the environment variable prismtech_LICENSE is not set, the tool will prompt for a valid license onfirst launch. The user will have to specify the license file to use at that time. |
RNR-616 | The RLM library needs updating. The RLM licensing library should be the same version used across all PrismTech products. Solution: RLM library has been upgraded to 9.1.3. |
RNR-630 | Export Storage wizard allows empty storage name and file name field values. Upon opening the Export Storage wizard for the first time, the storage name and the file name field are likely to be empty, which under normal circumstances should disable the wizard's Finish button. However, a missing completeness check on the page's creation allowed the Finish button to be enabled even when the name fields are not filled in. Solution: The wizard's Finish button remains disabled if the storage name or file name fields are empty on wizard open. |
RNR-558 | Can't connect to a domain using its Domain ID, depending on the value of OSPL_URI. Connecting to a domain using the Domain ID options would not work if the OSPL_URI environment variable was set to a configuration file that was different than the one that the running OpenSplice domain was configured with. Solution: Modified launch scripts to unset the OSPL_URI variable, in order to make connection via Domain ID more reliable. The environment variable change only affects the scope of the RnR Manager process. |
Version 6.5.1
Report ID. | Description |
RNR-198 | Tooling version compatibility constraint. Vortex OpenSplice RnR Manager needs to connect to and read the necessary information present in C&M API minimum version of 6.5.0. Solution: When using C&M API to connect to a remote Vortex OpenSplice DDS system, a minimum version compatibility of 6.5.0 is now enforced in order to connect between local and remote. |
RNR-540 | Provide a way for a user to specify storage kind in CONFIG scenario commands. The CONFIG command editor pane has a table for editing the CONFIG parameters. There is no way to specify the storage kind parameter. Solution: A new table column is added in the CONFIG command editor pane to select storage kind. Valid options are XML or CDR. |
RNR-574 | Support Lite + Cafe entities in browser view. RnRmanager needs to be updated to read new built in topic values to be able to properly display Lite + Cafe entities in its domain browser view. Solution: Browser view shows entities from Lite + Cafe properly. |
RNR-595 | Single process application does not show up correctly in the browser view. Single process applications are not displayed correctly in the browser view. They are displayed under incorrect node. Solution: Single process application is properly displayed in the browser view. |