Shared Memory

Configuring Shared Memory in OpenSplice

This article explains how you can configure shared memory in OpenSplice DDS.  There may be occasions when you need to alter the default settings. OpenSplice DDS can run in two different architectural...

Memory Claim Denied Error

Memory claim denied errors may appear in the OpenSplice log file. This is a symptom of running out of shared memory. These are the steps to follow to troubleshoot this problem. Memory Claim Denied Err...

OpenSplice Memory User Questions

This article contains some memory related, submitted OpenSplice questions that may prove useful to others. See the OpenSplice DDS documentation for more information. [cmtoc_table_of_contents] How big ...

Out of memory: unable to create message for Topic

I am trying to run OpenSplice DDS with the shared memory configuration and am creating a large topic. When I do this I am getting an error “Out of memory: unable to create message for Topic&#822...

OpenSplice Memory Statistics Tool – MMstat

OpenSplice DDS has two different architectural structures that can be used at deployment time. The first is single process architecture where one or more DDS applications and the related services are ...

Should I use use single process or shared memory?

OpenSplice DDS V6 offers the choice of two memory modes, Shared Memory and Single Process, which should I use? OpenSplice DDS is highly configurable and when you are deploying your application you can...