
OpenSplice DDS Configuration

Wondering how to configure dds?  OpenSplice DDS configuration  is easy to do.  Configuring DDS allows you to choose the perfect set up for your use case. [cmtoc_table_of_contents] How do you config...

OpenSplice Configuration User Questions

This article contains some user submitted OpenSplice general configuration questions that may prove useful to others. OpenSplice supports a considerable amount of configuration parameters, the easiest...

How to use the OpenSplice Configuration Tool

The OpenSplice configuration tool allows you to quickly and easily modify the xml configuration file being used by OpenSplice. OpenSplice gets it configuration from an xml file. The file specifies the...

Out of memory: unable to create message for Topic

I am trying to run OpenSplice DDS with the shared memory configuration and am creating a large topic. When I do this I am getting an error “Out of memory: unable to create message for Topic&#822...

OpenSplice Configuration Editor

The 100% Java OpenSplice Configurator tool is a powerful reference tool for configuring OpenSplice. The OpenSplice Configurator includes a rich online guide describing OpenSplice Configuration options...