
DDSI configuration without multicast using unicast peers

When not using multicast, you must define your set of ‘peers’ as automatic discovery relies on multicast. So the ‘ddsi2’ section in the configuration should look like this; <DDSI2Service name=”ddsi2″> <General> <NetworkInterfaceAddress>AUTO</NetworkInterfaceAddress> <AllowMulticast>false</AllowMulticast> <EnableMulticastLoopback>false</EnableMulticastLoopback> <CoexistWithNativeNetworking>false</CoexistWithNativeNetworking> </General> <Compatibility> <StandardsConformance>lax</StandardsConformance> </Compatibility> <Discovery> <Peers> <Peer Address=”name_or_address_of_machine1″/> <Peer Address=”name_or_address_of_machine2″/> <Peer Address=”name_or_address_of_machine3″/> </Peers> </Discovery> </DDSI2Service> If you run multiple applications […]

Network Channel / Transport Priority FAQ’s

DDSI-Extended (DDSI2E) is an extended version of the DDSI2 networking service, giving extra features for: Network partitions: Network partitions provide the ability to use alternative multicast addresses for combinations of DCPS topics and partitions to separate out traffic flows, for example for routing or load reduction. Security: Encryption can be configured per network partition. This […]

Networking and Durability Warnings and what they mean

Lack of privileges The following two types of warnings occur because the user which is running OpenSplice does not have the privileges to set the scheduling priority of the networking process and it’s threads to realtime. Description : sched_setscheduler failed with error 1 (Operation not permitted) for process ‘networking’ Description : pthread_create failed with SCHED_FIFO […]

Controlling the DDSi Networking Service Ports

There may be cases where you need to know what ports the DDSi networking service uses. For example if you are using a firewall you will need to open these ports so communication can take place. This article explains how you can work out these values. In order for the participants in a domain to […]

What are the differences in the Networking Services in OpenSplice?

First we need to distinguish between the (Apache license 2 based) open-source Community Edition (CE) and the commercially supported version of OpenSplice; The Community-edition only includes our DDSI implementation (implementing the OMG-DDSI rev2.2 specification) i.e., that assures interoperability with other DDS-vendors based on the standardized OMG-DDSI (also called ‘RTPS’) protocol.   The DDSI protocol is […]

What is RTPS and DDSI?

In computer networking, a wire protocol refers to a way of getting data from point to point: A wire protocol is needed if more than one application has to interoperate. It generally refers to protocols higher than the physical layer The purpose and scope of the Data-Distribution Service Interoperability (DDSI) Wire Protocol is to ensure that applications based on different […]

OpenSplice DDS and Wireshark

Wireshark ( ) is a widely used network protocol analyser and can be used to view DDS network traffic. OpenSplice DDS supports two different pluggable network services. These are: Standard DDSI2 (RTPS) protocol Proprietary native networking (RTNetworking) protocol Standard DDSI2 (RTPS) protocol If you are using the standard DDSI2 (RTPS) protocol, Wireshark already supports this […]