
Deployment Guides for Configuration

Deployment Guide is the essential reference for configuring OpenSplice DDS. It also includes information on the various configuration elements and attributes available to configure OpenSplice.

How can I connect to multiple DDS domains?

This article explains the steps you need to take to connect one application to multiple DDS domains using OpenSplice. Using DDS in multiple domains For two DDS applications to communicate with each other they need to join the same DDS domain. Occasionally your application may need to receive data from one domain and send it […]

Questions on how Shared Memory is Allocated

When a topic is written by a writer on a particular node, what is the data path to shared memory? Writer -> Writer Cache -> Publisher ->Publisher Cache-> Shared Memory A sample is written in some programming language (let’s say C++) and passed to its application Writer by invoking its write() call. The Writer allocates […]

Metaconfig.xml and validating the Configuration File

The metaconfig.xml file was added in v6.7.2 of the product and is used to validate most of the configuration file during startup. This means that any obvious invalid configuration will stop the dds services from starting and feedback quickly to the user. Once the services start these will also individually check the configuration (which they […]

Configuring Shared Memory in OpenSplice

This article explains how you can configure shared memory in OpenSplice DDS.  There may be occasions when you need to alter the default settings. OpenSplice DDS can run in two different architectural modes. These are: Single process or standalone deployment Federated or shared memory mode [cmtoc_table_of_contents] Shared Memory Mode In shared memory mode you need […]

OpenSplice DDS Configuration

Wondering how to configure dds?  OpenSplice DDS configuration  is easy to do.  Configuring DDS allows you to choose the perfect set up for your use case. [cmtoc_table_of_contents] How do you configure OpenSplice DDS? Configuration of OpenSplice DDS is done with an xml file. This file allows you to specify which architectural mode  OpenSplice will use. […]

On fault-tolerant data-paths

There are various ways to implement redundant (fault-tolerant) data-paths with OpenSplice: using IP-level 3rd party solutions many adapters nowadays support the notion of ‘channel-bonding’ where multiple network interfaces on a host are combined for redundancy or increased throughput as this solution works below socket-level (on packet or data-link layer), it functions transparently for the middleware […]

OpenSplice Communication User Questions

This article contains some user submitted OpenSplice general communication questions that may prove useful to others. See the OpenSplice documentation for more information. [cmtoc_table_of_contents] Does OpenSplice have the ability to support many to one reliable communication? Yes, OpenSplice supports the RELIABLE OMG-DDS QoS policy that implies reliable communication between a publisher and related subscriber(s). This […]

OpenSplice Configuration User Questions

This article contains some user submitted OpenSplice general configuration questions that may prove useful to others. OpenSplice supports a considerable amount of configuration parameters, the easiest way to modify this file is to use the OpenSplice Configurator Tool, this shows all available configurations along with detailed explanations of their functions. See the OpenSplice Configuration Editor […]

OpenSplice QoS User Questions

This article contains some user submitted OpenSplice general configuration questions that may prove useful to others. See the OpenSplice documentation for more information. How does the Deadline QoS Policy work? The Deadline QoS Policy can be set on DataReaders, DataWriters or Topics. For a data reader it defines the time period within which a new sample […]

How to use the OpenSplice Configuration Tool

The OpenSplice configuration tool allows you to quickly and easily modify the xml configuration file being used by OpenSplice. OpenSplice gets it configuration from an xml file. The file specifies the architectural model and the OpenSplice services that should run when the DDS infrastructure starts.  The OSPL_URI environment variable refers to the specify xml configuration […]

OpenSplice Configuration Editor

The 100% Java OpenSplice Configurator tool is a powerful reference tool for configuring OpenSplice. The OpenSplice Configurator includes a rich online guide describing OpenSplice Configuration options as well as providing context-sensitive help and parameter validation. The OpenSplice Configurator is distributed with the OpenSplice core distribution. It will distinguish between Data Distribution Service (DDS) community and […]

Should I use use single process or shared memory?

OpenSplice DDS V6 offers the choice of two memory modes, Shared Memory and Single Process, which should I use? OpenSplice DDS is highly configurable and when you are deploying your application you can choose to use either a shared memory architecture or a single process architecture. Both deployment modes support a configurable set of services.  […]

OpenSplice provides the ability to prioritize the transmission of messages.

OpenSplice supports the TRANSPORT_PRIORITY OMG-DDS QoS policy to prioritise transmission of messages.  Depending on the actual TRANSPORT_PRIORITY value of the published information, the proper network-channel  will automatically be selected which is pre-configured (XML-based configuration of the network-service) regarding the following attributes:  PRIORITY of the channel (which is mapped against the dynamic data TRANSPORT_PRIORITY  Basic socket-configuration […]

Optimising OpenSplice DDS for large object transfer.

Scenario. You want to transfer large objects across the DDS by, for example, modifying the ping pong example to send an object of size 25MB. Sending objects of this size over DDS without reconfiguring the OpenSplice daemon will cause several memory errors, ranging from networking service crashes to out of memory errors and more. In […]